Chromacity 1040 ultrafast femtosecond laser
Chromacity 1040 ultrafast femtosecond laser
2PEF and SHG image of mouse intestine section stained with Alexa Fluor 568
Confetti liver cells stained with red, yellow and green fluorescent proteins (RFP, YFP and GFP)
Two-photon fluorescence observed in the nuclei of mouse intestine cells, which have been stained with SYTOX Green nucleic acid stain copy
mtmg Kidney chromacity laser 500mw single 1 (2)_1

Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser

Central Wavelength

1040 nm

Pulse Width

<100 fs

Rep. Rate

100 MHz

Average Power

From 500 mW to 4 W

Pulse Energy

>40nJ (@ 100MHz, 100fs, 4W)

Beam Diameter

1.2 mm, +/- 0.2mm