Alpao High speed deformable mirror
Alpao High speed deformable mirror
deformable mirror alpao actuators
DM69 and DM97 specifications

ALPAO DM | High speed deformable mirrors

Number of actuators

69 or 97

Pitch (mm)

0.8 / 1.5 / 2.5 / 5.0

Number of actuators across a diameter

9 (DM69) 11 (DM97)

Active best flat (nm RMS, mechanical)

7 / 25

Settling time (ms at +/-10%, any stroke)

1.5 / 0.8

First resonance of the membrane (Hz)

400 / 800 / 600

Frequency at phase lag of 45° (Hz)

300 / 700 / 500



